Justice for Trayvon Martin (7/14/13)
An unarmed 17-year old Black young man Trayvon Martin (1995-2012) was fatally shot by a hateful extremist called Zimmerman who was known for painting confederate flag and for making racist and Islamophobic rants, USA once again had to confront the acceptable culture of anti-Black racism which it comfortably has been engulfed in. The day after Zimmerman was acquitted of second-degree murder in Florida v. George Zimmerman, New Yorkers came out to protest the great injustice, and to express grief at Trayvon’s demise. In a tragic way, Trayvon Martin had been killed as much by Zimmerman, as by a racist ideology that permeates every fabric of Amerikkkan society, including its law & order system.
(Photos © Saswat Pattanayak)